Halloween Teacher Gifts

It’s no secret that everyone loves a token of appreciation of time to time. It’s also no secret that I love an excuse to go to Target and that I love giving and making gifts for people. My son has four teachers so I am always looking for inexpensive but thoughtful ways to give them some love around the holidays. Here’s a quick and inexpensive
way to show your child’s teacher that you empathize with the struggle of Halloween falling on a Monday this year. Lord help us all.

What’s inside:

  • Starbucks Frappuccino bottle (4 pack for $4.99)
  • Pack of gum (4 pack for $1.99)
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Luna Bars (Box of 6 for $3.99)
  • Emergen-C packs (one box for $3.99..plus plenty left over for my family!)
  • An apple
  • Lots and lots of chocolate
  • Cute pumpkin buckets are from Target ($1/each)
That’s about $5 per teacher! 
Good luck to all the teachers and parents out there this week- stay strong and Happy Halloween! 
  • Lovely Nina October 30, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    So cute and thoughtful!

  • As Seen On

    free stuff
